Maasai. Beautiful. The most traditional and most displayed culture in Kenya, showcased on all travel brochures. Here they are performing a traditional maasai dance during Madaraka Day.
My evening bike ride home with the sun setting on my right shoulder. When I am late heading home, my silhouette keeps me company.
During the track/field village competitions, a student from our local school is performing the shot put.
An overturned truck seen along the Nairobi-Mombasa highway. Unfortunately this is a fairly frequent sight.
The water problem in my area. Women with their jerry cans line up behind a water truck, patiently awaiting their turn for water. These water trucks are a rare blessing, usually the people must walk miles and miles with only as much as they can carry. This truck has saved many of these women about 6 hours of walking.
Some nearly naked children playfully jump into the channel where the ferry crosses. Hopefully they don't venture too far out; sharks and other dangerous aquatic life are said to roam these waters.
The "Anti-Corruption Box" displayed on many government buildings around Kenya. Kenyans understand the biggest problem in their country is the corruption of government employees, so these "suggestion/question" boxes are an effort to keep them walking the straight line.
This is a traditional Duruma house, made with grass roofing and wooden beams and clay. A family of 9 live inside this home.
Roasting marshmallows in my room with all the kids from my compound. There's nothing like a roasted marshmallow to melt away all one's troubles, and it's times like these I will never forget.
A home made drip irrigation kit. It was quite a celebration when we poured water in it and realized the water was actually coming out of the tubes.
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