During the rainy season, sometimes the roads get a bit muddy for the public transportation system. As we climbed up a hill, twice we all had to get out and help push the matatu forward. Although not depicted in this picture, it was interesting watching big, well dressed mamas pushing the vehicle through the mud.
It is a bicycle pump.
A very old grandmother without teeth building a grass-thatched roof for a small hut. Her small cell-phone pouch she wears around her neck has the words "Jesus Loves You" written on it. I love this lady.
During a trash clean up project, I had the kids make art shapes out of bottle caps. Displayed here are two students proudly showing their bottle-cap elephant.
In the background of this photo are rare African Violets. Our tour guide informed us that this rare spot up in the Taita Hills is the only place in the world these precious flowers grow, so obviously I had to put my face next to them for a picture.
A Kenyan eating contest - 300ml of coke and 200 grams of bread. The winner of this contest was a woman.
Two women gathering grasses for their livestock. The women here can carry unimaginable quantities on their heads.
This "poster" hangs in a nursery school as a reference for the children to learn the English names of different items. Interestingly enough, the English word: "cooking pot" or "pot" was substituted for the Swahili word "Sufuria". I would think "pot" would be a little easier to learn.
This is a natural rock water catchment that stores the rain water. The small wall was built in 1961 by the inhabitants, and has served the community without fail until 2010, when a small leak was found and repaired. Now there is talk of building the wall higher and increasing its storage.
Here a teacher stands with some students during a sanitary pad making project. The teachers are always exquisitely dressed in the local patterns and fashions, and the students are always in uniform. Beautiful.